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News in the world of monsters

News in the world of monsters


The English translation of my book "The Gila Monster - Heloderma suspectum" has been printed - 272 pages and 390 photos including graphs and tables. It also offered in German "Die Gila-Krustenechse - Heloderma suspectum".

You can order both editions for EURO 49.80 each directly from me with my personal signature and text of your choice.
Postage will vary depending on the country of delivery.

Click here to go directly to the order form.

To hand over own offspring:

The genders have been determined to the best of our knowledge and belief. However, no guarantee can be given.

I am drastically reducing my colony, please inquire.

JU-1-19, männlich, male
BE-2-22, weiblich, female
IR-1-22, männlich, male
OS-4-22, weiblich, female
OS-6-22, weiblich, female
MR-2-23, weiblich, female
OS-4-23, männlich, male
OS-6-23, männlich, male
BE-1-24, männlich, male
BE-2-24, weiblich, female
MA-1-24, männlich, male
MA-2-24, männlich, male
MA-3-24, männlich, male
MA-4-24, weiblich, female
MA-5-24, männlich, male
OS-1-24, männlich, male
OS-2-24, weiblich, female
OS-3-24, männlich, male
OS-4-24, männlich, male
OS-5-24, weiblich, female
OS-6-24, weiblich, female

July 2022

Appendix Gila Monster classification

May 2021

Book review Elaphe The full review of my book in the Elaphe is now in the appendix, please click here >>

September 2020

Book review Reptilia The complete review in the Reptilia is now in the appendix, please click here >>

January 2020

Wetzlarer Neue Zeitung Guest of Yupi, Maus und Co., article about the new book "Die Gile Krusten Echse" by Dr. H.-J. Schwandt

September 2019

Book The prining is done!
"The Gila Monster - Heloderma suspectum" and "Die Gila-Krustenechse - Heloderma suspectum" are ready to order.

January 2019

ANATOMY Eye, nictitating membrane
Book The slowly work on my book at CHIMAIRA gave me the opportunity to add numerous information and gorgeous photos before it will be available in ENGLISH to you Gila- friends.
ECOLOGY New pictures: habitat and shelters in ARIZONA
GALLERY First block: on the hunt for H. suspectum, adults in their habitat

July 2018

The English text has been updated with the German original

May 2018

Reproduction There is no longer any discussion: in nature Heloderma suspectum eggs hatch in the late fall, in the year the eggs are laid. (see ref. 67).

January 2018

My book My book "Heloderma suspectum" will be published in a scientific edition of CHIMAIRA in English and German (Die Gila- Krustenechse).

Hatchlings 2017

It will be a year of many wonderful colored hatchlings. Inquiries will be accepted in late October.

October 2017

Search for publisher My book with about 200 pages, 290 pictures is completed. The next step will be to find a publisher.

July 2017

Progress of book My book is completed and the first revive is done. I spent a lot of time on it – but on the other hand – it gave me a lot of excitement. All chapters of this web site have been reorganized and updated with additional information., e. g. , the chapter REPRODUCTION gives the breeder many new instructions and insights for a successful hatching.
It is on its way to California for a second review by Karl Switak, a very experienced herpetologist.

May 2016

Wetzlarer Neue Zeitung, May 9th, 2016: THESE FELLOWS BECOME VERY TRUSTWORTHY For decades Hans-Joachim Schwandt has kept Gila Monsters in Aßlar – Germany

August 2015

Book Announcement Thank you all for visiting my website.
As of this writing, I have just received my 100,000th visitor and after much thought, I have decided to write a book based on the website and I will give additional information and instructions in both German and English.

Hans-Joachim Schwandt

March 2014

ANATOMY Surgery on egg retention
PATTERNS Variations of patterns within families
GALLERY 7 new images
NEONATE CARE 2 images added

Feb. 2014

ANATOMY Skeleton
Embryonic developement of lizards
REPRODUCTION Representation and function of the sexual organs
GALLERY "Not dead, but totally relaxed"
"In the deep hibernation"
